Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Friday October 29 through Monday November 1

#1 - JA Murphy's
It's no surprise this adventure began at Murphy's. Despite opening less than two years ago it's home base for me. $1 shots during happy hour and some of my favorite bartenders in the city. I've had some interesting nights, sometimes wandering in a half-empty Murphys and winding up spending half the night socializing with random folks. Located on Aliceanna--Friday

#2 - Blarney Stone Pub
I was never a huge fan of the Stone, but i've come around. It's all about expectations, I guess. Now I expect to get a drink and just hang out. It's usually the same exact crew there which is nice. It's another 'Irish' pub, but really it's just a dive bar in Fells Point. Located on Broadway--Friday.

#3 - Quest
Yes, the colorful decor in the window indicates the kind of establishment this was. I went with a large group because supposedly the drinks were cheap. There was Karaoke and lots of uncomfortable moments, and i'd had enough and I went down the block to the next stop. Located on Fleet Street in Highlandtown--Friday.

#4 - Brewer's Hill Pub and Grill
This was a pub where i've been before, just once or twice. It's a nice place, nothing too special in terms of beer selection. I think they only had guinness on tap when we rolled in. I put $5 in the jukebox and played some Dio. The barmaid was plenty friendly, offering us cupcakes. On Eaton Street in Highlandtown/Brewer's Hill--Friday (Saturday technically)

#5 - Hummers Bar and Grill
A nice little neighborhood bar. They had an awesome Heavy Seas Pumpkin Ale. It was Saturday before Halloween, so folks were there in costume. There was a Cruella DeVil who I thought looked pretty good. An in between land, not Canton, not Brewer's Hill, not Highlandtown, not Patterson Park, on Foster Ave--Saturday.

#6 - Claddagh Pub

Once again going with an 'Irish' pub. Claddagh has good food and was playing the Monday Night Football game. Some friends from the footy team were there. Located on the Square in Canton--Monday.

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